Rob Levinson

Brand Strategy Advisor

For decades, Rob’s brand strategy expertise has enabled both emerging and established companies to focus, evolve, and experience exponential growth. His streamlined methodology results in a comprehensive Brand Blueprint, perfect for clients seeking the strategic direction and specific elements required to inform and guide the development, or reimagining of, their brand.

Rob’s early career was spent at advertising agencies in New York and Boston, where he helped to distinguish global consumer brands including DeBeers, Rolls-Royce, Seagram, Cointreau, BMW, and Timberland. Later he worked at three disruptive technology companies where he helped to create, grow, and sell each to a larger concern.

Rob is also a Personal Brand Coach helping individuals from recent college graduates to senior level executives to develop robust brand narratives that get them noticed, remembered and results.

The former Marketing Strategies columnist for the Wall Street Journal online, Rob studied at the University of London, graduated from Connecticut College, and lectures at The Questrom School of Business at Boston University. He has two grown daughters and resides in Boston and San Francisco.
